Rep. Jim Jordan Requests Interview With Biden’s Ghostwriter

House Judiciary Committee Chair, Jim Jordan, representing Ohio’s 4th congressional district, has taken a significant step in an ongoing inquiry by formally requesting cooperation from Mark Zwonitzer, the ghostwriter involved in penning President Joe Biden’s memoirs. The request, conveyed through an email letter, urges Zwonitzer’s participation in an interview and the submission of any relevant materials related to his collaboration with Biden on the books.

This development follows the publication of special counsel Robert Hur’s investigation report into Biden’s handling of classified documents. While the report, released on February 8, did not advocate for charges against Biden, it did raise concerns about instances where the former vice president allegedly mishandled classified information. Hur’s findings suggested that there was evidence indicating Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials” subsequent to his tenure as vice president, during his time as a private citizen.

In his communication to Zwonitzer, Jordan referenced the Hur report, highlighting passages that indicated Biden’s extensive reliance on his notebooks during interviews with the ghostwriter. Jordan’s letter pointed out instances where Biden purportedly read classified notes from national security meetings to Zwonitzer verbatim, questioning Biden’s previous assertions of not sharing classified information with his collaborator.

Moreover, Jordan’s letter alluded to the existence of audio recordings documenting discussions between Biden and Zwonitzer regarding the memoirs “Promise Me, Dad” and “Promises to Keep.” Jordan believes that these recordings could potentially shed light on the committee’s investigation. In light of these revelations, Jordan has set a deadline of February 23 for Zwonitzer to comply with the committee’s request for documents and recordings, as well as to schedule an interview.

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