Rep. Ken Buck: Biden Cabinet Should Invoke 25th Amendment

Rep. Ken Buck, a Republican from Colorado, has taken a bold step by introducing a resolution urging President Joe Biden’s Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. This resolution, if passed, would mark the initial move in the process of potentially removing the president from his office.

In his resolution, Buck emphasizes the need for Vice President Kamala Harris to assemble Biden’s Cabinet and acknowledge what he perceives as evident to the nation: that the President is incapable of effectively carrying out his duties and exercising the powers of his office.

This move by Buck surprises many, given his previous stance against initiating an impeachment inquiry into Biden. Notably, he opposed impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas twice over the administration’s handling of border security.

Buck’s decision stems from concerns over President Biden’s purported cognitive decline and lack of mental acuity, as highlighted in a report by special counsel Robert Hur. Although Hur chose not to pursue charges against Biden regarding the mishandling of classified documents, his critique of the President’s age and fitness ignited controversy. Buck argues that the multitude of verbal slips and physical missteps, along with Biden’s confusion regarding recent conversations with deceased world leaders and mixing up current heads of state, underscore the urgency of invoking the 25th Amendment.

The 25th Amendment has never been utilized to remove a sitting president. Its invocation requires a majority support from Cabinet members and the agreement of Vice President Harris. Subsequently, a two-thirds majority vote from both chambers of Congress would be necessary to oust Biden and install Harris as president.

Numerous other Republican figures, including Rep. Claudia Tenney of New York and Senators Rick Scott, Mike Lee, and Josh Hawley, have voiced support for invoking the 25th Amendment, particularly following the release of the Hur report. While some have urged action via social media and letters to officials like Attorney General Merrick Garland, Buck’s resolution stands out as a formal legislative step toward this end.

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