Report: Biden Considering Executive Action for Border

The Biden administration is exploring the possibility of using executive orders to tackle the migrant crisis at the southern border.

Amid pressure from conservative lawmakers, who argue that President Joe Biden has the authority to enhance border security without the need for legislation, officials have been contemplating executive actions for several months. While concrete measures are still in the drafting stage and not expected to be implemented immediately, officials emphasize that inaction is not an option.

Although executive action is seen as a backup plan, officials acknowledge that its impact would be limited compared to what could have been achieved through congressional action.

The Senate recently introduced a bipartisan border security bill worth $118 billion, which also includes provisions for aid to Ukraine and Israel. However, House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana criticized the bill, labeling it as “worse than expected” and declaring it “dead on arrival” in the House.

December witnessed a record-breaking number of over 302,000 migrant encounters at the southern border, surpassing the previous record set in September 2023.

In response to the escalating crisis, the House attempted to impeach Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for his failure to control the influx of migrants. Another impeachment vote is expected next week, according to Johnson.

The news of the administration’s contemplation of executive action is likely to stir mixed reactions, with progressives potentially expressing dissatisfaction while Democrat mayors in major cities may welcome it. These cities have been grappling with an influx of migrants transported there by bus and airplane.

In late December, Democrat mayors from Chicago, New York, and Denver renewed their calls for increased federal assistance and better coordination with Texas to address the growing number of asylum-seekers arriving in their cities.

While the Department of Homeland Security introduced restrictions in May to expand the eligibility for speedy deportations, the majority of apprehended migrants continue to be released into the U.S. due to overwhelming numbers.

Even within Biden’s own party, there has been criticism of his handling of the border crisis, particularly as he heads into a reelection campaign. A recent NBC News poll indicated that he trails his predecessor, former President Donald Trump, by more than 30 points on issues related to border security and immigration control.

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