Report: Japanese Lawmaker Seeks Trump Meeting

A prominent figure from Japan’s ruling party is scheduled to visit New York next week and is aiming to arrange a meeting with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, as reported by public broadcaster NHK.

Taro Aso, a former prime minister who currently holds the position of vice president within the Liberal Democratic Party, is set to travel to New York from April 22-25, according to sources familiar with his itinerary, who spoke to Reuters on the condition of anonymity.

NHK, citing insider sources, reported that Aso intends to meet with Trump, who is currently in New York attending a trial. However, one of the sources, while confirming Aso’s travel plans, refrained from providing further details regarding his potential meeting with Trump.

Aso, who served as deputy prime minister during Trump’s presidential term from 2017 to 2021, made an attempt to meet with the former president in January during a previous visit to the U.S. However, he was unable to secure a meeting, as reported by Reuters.

With the upcoming presidential election scheduled for November 5, Japan is seeking to establish connections with individuals close to Trump. There is speculation that Trump’s return to office could lead to the revival of protectionist trade policies and other contentious measures that had previously strained relations between Japan and the United States.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was notably the first foreign leader to meet with Trump following his victory in the 2016 presidential election. Their close relationship, fostered through extensive time spent together on the golf course, played a significant role in mitigating some of the contentious issues between the two countries.

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