Rev. Murray: Pope’s Same-Sex Blessings ‘Absurd,’ ‘Horrific’

Rev. Gerald Murray from the Archdiocese of New York expressed strong disapproval on Monday regarding Pope Francis’ latest document, which permits church blessings for same-sex couples, calling it “absurd” and “horrific.”

Murray, appearing on “The Chris Salcedo Show,” voiced his concerns, saying, “This lays the foundation for redefining sin. Traditionally, the church has maintained that sexual relations outside of marriage are sinful, and this includes all homosexual acts. The document also addresses those in what the church considers invalid second marriages, which, according to Christ’s teachings, is adulterous. The church is now paradoxically proposing blessings for actions it deems gravely sinful and offensive to God.”

The document, according to Murray, introduces ambiguous distinctions, claiming it doesn’t equate the blessings with marital recognition. However, he foresees this leading to situations that contradict established church practices. “People will interpret and act as they wish, and this deviates significantly from how the Catholic Church has historically operated. I’m deeply troubled by the Pope’s actions,” he stated.

Murray also critiqued the document’s self-description as an “innovation” or “development of church teaching,” calling this a misleading assertion. “It’s new, indeed, but it’s not a progression of teaching. Rather, it contradicts and corrupts our doctrine,” he explained.

He expressed concern about the practical implications for clergy like himself. “As a parish priest teaching Catholic morality, I state that homosexual activity is immoral. But now, if a same-sex couple asks for a blessing, citing Pope Francis’ stance, it creates a profound contradiction.”

Murray expressed disbelief at the notion of God favoring actions the church has historically condemned and highlighted a perceived trend of revolutionary changes within the Vatican. “The cardinal responsible for this document is known for his doctrinal revisions, and this is another instance of such. We’ve recently seen documents about transgender godparents, suggesting the church has no issue with transgender identity, which is not the case.”

When asked about the Pope’s impact on traditional clergy and believers, Murray acknowledged that while some might fear Francis, others are disconcerted by his critical views of the U.S. church’s traditionalist approach. “The Pope has commented that criticism helps him reevaluate his positions. Given the current situation, there will likely be significant reevaluation needed,” he concluded.

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