Russia’s Lavrov Praises China’s Peace Plan for Ukraine as Reasonable

China’s peace proposal for resolving the Ukraine conflict has been hailed as the most rational plan yet by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday.

The proposal, presented by Beijing more than a year ago, outlined a 12-point framework focusing on general principles to end the war without delving into specific details. Initially met with tepid responses from both Russia and Ukraine, the United States criticized China, accusing it of aligning with Russia’s “false narrative” and failing to denounce its invasion while presenting itself as a mediator.

According to state news agency RIA, Lavrov emphasized the significance of China’s document, highlighting its analysis of the underlying causes of the conflict and the necessity to address them. Lavrov praised the logical structure of the plan, which transitions from general principles to specific measures.

“While criticized for its vagueness initially, this is a pragmatic plan proposed by the esteemed Chinese civilization for deliberation,” Lavrov told reporters.

Lavrov is scheduled to meet with his Chinese counterpart soon, and President Vladimir Putin expressed his willingness last month to consider visiting China for his inaugural overseas trip of his new term.

Russia has expressed readiness to engage in discussions about Ukraine but insists that any talks must acknowledge what it terms the “new realities” on the ground. Moscow asserts control over nearly a fifth of Ukraine’s territory and has laid claim to four Ukrainian regions.

In contrast, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has presented his own peace framework, advocating for a cessation of hostilities and a complete withdrawal of Russian forces from occupied territories.

By commending China’s peace initiative, Russia signals its openness to peace talks while criticizing Zelenskyy’s proposal. Lavrov dismissed Zelenskyy’s plan as “a menu from which you can pull out whatever you want.”

Switzerland has announced plans to host a conference based on Zelenskyy’s proposal, but Russia has dismissed the initiative as futile, asserting that any efforts without Moscow’s involvement are destined to fail.

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