Sen. Lankford: WH Isn’t Offering Enough on Border Deal

Senator James Lankford, a key Republican negotiator on a proposal to integrate border security measures with funding for Ukraine, expressed concerns on Sunday about the Biden administration’s approach to immigration. Speaking on CBS News’ “Face the Nation,” the Oklahoma senator criticized the administration’s efforts as insufficient in addressing the migrant influx.

Lankford highlighted that on a single day in the past week, 12,000 individuals crossed the U.S. border illegally, indicating the administration’s struggle to significantly reduce these numbers.

President Joe Biden’s proposed $105 billion bill encompasses support for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and U.S.-Mexico border security. However, Senate Republicans are insisting on incorporating comprehensive changes in border policy to substantially decrease migrant entries as a condition for approving Ukraine funding.

Lankford pointed out the Biden administration’s initial intention to combine national security interests, including border issues, with funding needs. He emphasized the political nature of the ongoing negotiations.

With record-breaking numbers of border crossings in recent months, Lankford stressed the urgency of addressing the crisis. He underscored the need for more effective asylum management, noting the overwhelming number of asylum requests and the years-long processing backlog. He argued that current policies inadvertently empower cartels and smugglers who exploit these vulnerabilities.

Meanwhile, House Speaker Mike Johnson insists that any supplemental package must include HR 2, a Republican-sponsored bill aimed at revising immigration laws, including stricter asylum eligibility and mandatory employment eligibility verification. Lankford, however, refuted claims that Johnson has set a non-negotiable condition on this issue.

He acknowledged the House Republicans’ comprehensive proposal but noted the political reality of securing Democratic support in the Senate and the White House. Lankford stressed the importance of addressing the border crisis, citing the half a million crossings in the last two months alone.

Regarding reports of Lankford proposing a new expulsion authority akin to Title 42 used during the Trump administration, he clarified that these were not accurate, though he did mention considering various options related to capacity issues, drawing analogies to capacity limits in restaurants and theaters.

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