Sen. Ron Johnson: 51 Intel Officials ‘Corrupt’

Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin criticized the 51 intelligence officials who signed the October 2020 letter dismissing Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation, labeling them as “corrupt” and accusing them of greater election interference than Russia itself. Speaking to Newsmax on Monday’s “Rob Schmitt Tonight,” Johnson expressed his reaction to reports that some of these officials now feel vindicated following the arrest of former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov, charged with fabricating a bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden.

Johnson asserted that these officials were aware of the authenticity of the laptop, which was in the possession of the FBI, yet chose to discredit it in favor of supporting the Biden administration. He emphasized the alleged corruption within these intelligence circles.

The Department of Justice has accused Smirnov of concocting a narrative involving Ukrainian energy company Burisma paying the Bidens $5 million each in bribes. Johnson pointed out the seriousness of the allegations against the Bidens, noting the overwhelming evidence and the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop, which the FBI had possessed since December 2019.

While acknowledging the presumption of innocence for Smirnov, Johnson questioned the integrity of the investigation and prosecution. He emphasized that the actions of the 51 intelligence officials had a more significant impact on the election than any potential interference from Russia or China.

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