Sen. Thune Endorses Trump in 2024 Primary

Senate Minority Whip John Thune, a Republican from South Dakota, made a significant endorsement on Sunday, throwing his support behind former President Donald Trump for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.

Thune’s endorsement follows Trump’s victory over primary opponent Nikki Haley in South Carolina, her home state where she previously served as governor before taking on the role of U.N. ambassador.

In his endorsement statement, Thune emphasized the outcome of the primary in South Carolina, asserting that it indicates Trump’s inevitable nomination as the Republican candidate for president in the upcoming crucial election.

“The primary results in South Carolina make it abundantly clear that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for president in this pivotal election year. The choice facing the American people is stark: It’s between Donald Trump and Joe Biden,” Thune remarked. “I stand behind former President Trump’s campaign to reclaim the presidency, and I am committed to supporting efforts to secure a Republican majority in the Senate to work alongside him.”

Thune underscored the importance of ending what he referred to as the “disastrous Biden-Schumer agenda,” citing concerns over Bidenomics, border security issues, and perceived American weakness on the global stage.

“Collectively, we must put a halt to the harmful Biden-Schumer agenda. Our nation cannot withstand another four years of Bidenomics, ongoing border chaos, and perceived weakness in international affairs,” Thune asserted.

Prior to endorsing Trump, Thune had backed Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina in his bid for the presidency. However, after Scott withdrew from the race and threw his support behind Trump, Thune aligned himself with the former president’s campaign.

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