Shocking Hunter Claim: Didn’t Notice ‘Big Guy’ With Equity Stake

Hunter Biden’s financial dealings continue to be scrutinized, with revelations emerging from his recent deposition shedding light on his business activities. According to transcripts, Hunter Biden appeared unaware of a significant equity stake designated for someone referred to as “the big guy” in a joint venture with CEFC, a Chinese energy company.

House Republicans, investigating President Joe Biden as part of an impeachment inquiry, have suggested that “the big guy” referenced in emails could be none other than the president himself. Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida pressed Hunter Biden on this matter during the deposition, questioning why he did not question the allocation of equity to “the big guy,” which was worth millions of dollars.

Hunter Biden maintained that he would have objected to such an arrangement if he had been aware of it, emphasizing that his father was not involved in any business ventures with him or his former business partner, Tony Bobulinski. Despite reports suggesting otherwise, the deposition transcript does not confirm that Hunter Biden explicitly identified “the big guy” as his father.

The deposition also delved into Hunter Biden’s business ties to China, particularly his involvement with CEFC China Energy. He admitted to receiving $3 million from CEFC as a retainer agreement, though he claimed it was unrelated to his father’s political career. However, Hunter Biden’s memory faltered when asked about his father’s interactions with CEFC officials, leading to tense exchanges with panel Republicans.

House Republicans allege that the Biden family profited improperly from Joe Biden’s political influence, citing financial transactions involving Hunter Biden’s shell companies and payments to family members. Hunter Biden defended these transactions, dismissing allegations of impropriety and attributing them to misconceptions about the fungibility of funds.

The deposition also addressed the transfer of funds to Hunter Biden’s uncle, James Biden, prompting further questions about financial transactions involving family members. Hunter Biden defended these actions as pragmatic decisions to streamline wire transfers, denying any ulterior motives behind the transactions.

The ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden’s financial affairs underscores broader concerns about potential conflicts of interest and ethical lapses within the Biden family. As House Republicans continue to probe these matters, the spotlight remains on the intersection of politics, business, and personal finances in the Biden orbit.

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