Sign of Life by 3 Israeli Hostages in Latest Hamas Video

The terrorist organization Hamas released new footage on Sunday, showcasing three Israeli hostages who are believed to be among the 136 still held in the Gaza Strip.

In this series of video clips, which have been compiled and lack specific dates, three individuals introduced themselves as Noa Argamani (26), Yossi Sharabi (53), and Itay Svirsky (38). They appealed to the Israeli government, urging their safe return home.

The video commences with a message stating, “Your government is lying,” and concludes with another message indicating, “Wait…tomorrow we will inform you of their fate.” These messages were conveyed in Arabic, Hebrew, and English.

Similar to previous instances when Hamas released videos featuring Israeli hostages, most Israeli media outlets refrained from disseminating the videos to avoid participation in the psychological warfare orchestrated by the terrorist group.

Hamas has previously issued similar videos, and while some hostages were eventually released, others tragically met with fatal outcomes.

In a statement made earlier on Sunday, Hamas spokesperson Abu Obayda asserted that the fate of many hostages remained unknown to the terror group, and that several of them had been victims of Israeli airstrikes.

Noa Argamani, whose harrowing kidnapping by Hamas terrorists was captured on film and widely publicized by both Israeli and international media, has since become a symbol of the brutality that unfolded on October 7th.

Footage from that day depicts her in a state of terror, pleading for mercy as she is seized by terrorists at the Nova rave party in Re’im. Noa’s mother has consistently made public appeals for her daughter’s release.

Liora Argamani, who is of Chinese origin, is currently battling advanced-stage cancer and relies on a wheelchair. She has fervently requested Noa’s release so that she can see her daughter before her health deteriorates further. At a rally commemorating 100 days of the hostages’ captivity on Sunday, she expressed her hope to be reunited with Noa before her own passing.

Israeli authorities have reached out for assistance in securing Noa’s release to the Chinese President and the Vatican, but so far, their efforts have not yielded results.

Yossi Sharabi, along with his wife Nira and their daughters Yuval, Ofir, and Oren, was kidnapped from his home in Kibbutz Be’eri. However, the terrorists released the family members on the way, taking only Yossi to Gaza. His brother is also being held hostage.

Itai Svirsky, a resident of Tel Aviv, was captured while visiting his parents in Be’eri, both of whom tragically lost their lives in the assault.

Daily True News

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