SKorea Says NKorea Fired Multiple Cruise Missiles

North Korea has once again launched multiple cruise missiles off its west coast, marking the fourth such missile launch in just over a week, according to South Korea’s military sources. The launch occurred at 11 a.m., but specific details regarding the missiles have not been disclosed.

These missile launches by North Korea have been described as involving “strategic” cruise missiles, raising concerns about their potential nuclear capabilities. Earlier in the week, North Korea announced that it had conducted tests involving its new submarine-launched cruise missiles (SLCM), with the country’s leader, Kim Jong Un, personally overseeing the tests.

The recent series of missile launches by North Korea has attracted international attention and raised concerns about regional stability and security. South Korea, as well as other nations, continues to closely monitor the situation and assess the implications of these missile tests for the broader geopolitical landscape in the region.

Daily True News

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