Trump Hails ‘Bad’ Biden Border Bailout Is ‘Dead,’ for Now

The Senate’s proposed border bill, aimed at addressing the repercussions of President Joe Biden’s reversal of the Trump administration’s border security measures, has been deemed “dead” for the time being. However, former President Donald Trump asserts that the ultimate solution to securing the border lies in his return to the White House.

Speaking at the NRA Great American Outdoor Show Presidential Forum in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania—a crucial battleground state for the upcoming 2024 presidential election—Trump highlighted the demise of the bill, which he attributed to its inclusion of taxpayer-funded legal assistance for illegal immigrants.

“We put an end to it. I believe it’s done,” Trump declared during his speech, which lasted nearly an hour and 20 minutes.

Trump emphasized the potential revival of “bad bills” and extensive spending proposals by Democrats if he is not reinstated as president. He criticized the significant financial resources allocated to lawyers representing illegal immigrants, labeling the situation as incredulous.

“The cycle of bad bills resurfacing is perpetual because there are vested interests profiting from them,” Trump remarked. “Millions, even tens of millions of dollars are channeled towards legal representation for illegal immigrants entering our country. It’s truly unbelievable.”

Border security remains a paramount concern for Republicans, evident from exit polling in early primary states. Trump has consistently underscored the stark contrast between his stance on border security and that of the Biden administration throughout his campaign and potential reelection bid.

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