Trump: ‘Highly Unlikely’ DeSantis Gets Cabinet Post

Donald Trump has expressed doubt about the likelihood of selecting Ron DeSantis for a Cabinet position in a potential second administration, following DeSantis’s withdrawal from the presidential race and endorsement of the former president. Trump mentioned that while the rivalry between them has eased after DeSantis’s exit from the Republican primaries, the chances of DeSantis joining a Trump White House appear slim.

“It’s probably unlikely,” Trump stated. “But I have to be honest: Everything’s a possibility, but I think it’s highly unlikely. I have a lot of great people, and I have great people that have been with me right from the beginning.”

Trump clarified that DeSantis, who currently serves as Florida’s governor until 2026, has not sought a position in a potential second Trump administration.

Trump had previously criticized and accused DeSantis of disloyalty for running against him. Reflecting on their history, Trump noted, “Well, you know, I endorsed him [for governor]. I didn’t know him as well as you might think, but I did endorse him. I had some fun with it because I watched somebody who was not in the race, and all of a sudden he was in the race. And then he did a good job as governor. I was happy with that. But I was disappointed when they asked him whether or not he’d run. And he said, ‘I have no comment.’ Because, to me, when you say no comment, that means you’re running.”

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