Trump: ‘Michigan, You’re Going to Get So Screwed’ by Biden

Former President Donald Trump rallied supporters in Michigan with a vow to save the state’s auto industry from what he termed “Joe Biden’s torture and destruction.” Speaking in Waterford Township, Trump promised to overturn Biden’s electric vehicle mandate, which he claimed would devastate the sector and send jobs overseas.

In an impassioned speech broadcast live on Newsmax and Newsmax2, Trump highlighted the plight of disenfranchised United Auto Workers Union members and criticized Biden’s support from union leadership. He warned that Biden’s policies would result in the loss of thousands of jobs to China and drive up car prices for American consumers.

Trump pledged to terminate Biden’s electric vehicle mandate on his first day back in office and touted his administration’s efforts to bolster American manufacturing, including renegotiating trade deals and imposing tariffs on Chinese imports.

Addressing Michigan voters directly, Trump urged them to reject Bidenomics and embrace “MAGA-nomics” to revive the state’s economy. He positioned himself as the champion of Michigan workers, contrasting his record with what he described as Biden’s decades-long history of betraying American interests on the global stage.

Trump’s fiery rhetoric resonated with his base, as he emphasized his administration’s tough stance on China and vowed to continue fighting for American jobs and industries.

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