Trump Shocks Nation With Alabama Debate

Next week, during the fourth GOP presidential primary debate, Donald Trump, the former U.S. President, is set to make an appearance at an exclusive fundraising event in Florida, as revealed by a knowledgeable source to The Hill.

Trump, along with his campaign team, has decided to skip the upcoming debate on December 6 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, organized by NewsNation. This decision aligns with his absence from previous primary debates, a choice he attributes to his strong position in current polling. As per the most recent Morning Consult poll, Trump holds a substantial 50-point lead over closest GOP rivals, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and ex-South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.

The upcoming Hallandale Beach fundraiser in Florida, referred to as a “year-end reception” in a campaign email, will be a deviation for Trump, who has traditionally sought to overshadow these debates. The Hill points out that this is the first instance Trump has not actively engaged in counter-programming to divert focus from his competitors.

In past debates this year, Trump’s activities have included an interview with Tucker Carlson, formerly of Fox News, on Twitter, addressing UAW workers on strike in Michigan, and hosting a rally in Miami near the third primary debate’s location.

Trump’s camp has been vocal in urging the Republican National Committee (RNC) to forego future debates, suggesting that the party should unify behind him as the likely nominee, given his commanding lead. The Hill indicates that Trump is ahead in national polls as well as leading by a minimum of 20 points in most state-level polls.

The New York Times also highlights Trump’s lead over President Joe Biden in five crucial swing states. An early November New York Times/Siena College poll shows Trump ahead by 10 points in Nevada, 6 in Georgia, 5 in Arizona, 5 in Michigan, and 4 in Pennsylvania, while Biden has a 2-point lead in Wisconsin.

Despite facing four criminal indictments and a forthcoming trial in 2024, Trump’s lead is emphasized by The New York Times: “The survey indicates a challenging start to the year for Mr. Biden, with Mr. Trump poised to secure over 300 Electoral College votes, well beyond the 270 required for a White House victory, should these poll results hold until next November.”

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