UK Condemns Russia’s Use of North Korean Missiles

Britain has strongly denounced Russia’s utilization of ballistic missiles obtained from North Korea in recent assaults against Ukraine. The UK’s Foreign Office spokesperson expressed their condemnation and urged North Korea to halt its arms supply to Russia.

This reaction comes in the wake of the White House’s disclosure, backed by newly declassified intelligence, that North Korea had recently provided Russia with ballistic missiles and launchers for use in its conflict with Ukraine. Some of these missiles have been fired into Ukrainian territory.

John Kirby, the spokesperson for U.S. national security, announced that the United States intends to bring this development before the United Nations Security Council. Moreover, the U.S. plans to impose additional sanctions on those involved in facilitating these arms deals. Kirby described North Korea’s transfer of arms to Russia as a “significant and concerning escalation.”

It’s worth noting that North Korea is already subject to robust sanctions. The UK Foreign Office spokesperson emphasized that the UK will continue collaborating with its partners to ensure that North Korea faces significant consequences for its support of Russia’s unlawful war in Ukraine.

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