US’s Bold $10M Gamble on Hamas Finance Bid

The U.S. government is announcing a significant monetary incentive of up to $10 million for details leading to the interference of the financial operations of Hamas, a recognized Palestinian militant organization. This announcement was made by the State Department last Friday.

This initiative is a continuation of the U.S. government’s response to Hamas’ recent hostile actions, which involved an attack on Israel on October 7, causing substantial casualties. This incident led to a retaliatory military operation by Israel in Gaza, resulting in a high number of casualties and widespread destruction, according to reports from local health authorities.

The State Department has identified five individuals linked to Hamas’ financial network, all of whom have been previously labeled as global terrorists by the U.S. These individuals include Abdelbasit Hamza Elhassan Khair, Amer Kamal Sharif Alshawa, Ahmed Sadu Jahleb, Walid Mohammed Mustafa Jadallah, and Muhammad Ahmad ‘Abd Al-Dayim Nasrallah.

Abdelbasit Hamza Elhassan Khair, also known as Hamza, is reportedly operating out of Sudan. He is allegedly involved in managing several companies that form part of Hamas’ investment portfolio and is suspected of facilitating the transfer of substantial funds to Hamas. His connections reportedly extend to Sudanese President Omar Bashir and various Islamist groups affecting Sudan’s stability.

Three others, namely Amer Kamal Sharif Alshawa, Ahmed Sadu Jahleb, and Walid Mohammed Mustafa Jadallah, are believed to be integral to Hamas’ investment activities in Turkey.

Muhammad Ahmad ‘Abd Al-Dayim Nasrallah is noted for his close associations with Iranian entities and has reportedly been involved in transferring significant amounts of money to Hamas, including its military wing. As of October, he was believed to be in Qatar.

The U.S. State Department emphasizes that the reward will be given for information not only about these individuals but also regarding any sources of funding for Hamas. This includes details about major donors, financial institutions assisting Hamas transactions, front companies acquiring dual-use technology for the organization, and any criminal activities benefiting Hamas.

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