Watchdog: Google Interfered in US Elections 41 Times

A recent report by the conservative watchdog Media Research Center (MRC) has shed light on 41 instances of Google’s interference in U.S. elections over the past 16 years.

Outlined in a 19-page report, MRC highlights Google’s increasing impact, which it deems detrimental to democracy. According to MRC’s executive summary, Google has openly admitted to leveraging its “great strength and resources and reach” to promote leftist values.

Brent Bozell, the founder and President of MRC, expressed strong concern over Google’s persistent meddling in elections, labeling it “unacceptable” and “the biggest threat to American democracy today.”

The documented instances of election interference range from as early as 2008, with the first instance being “Google censors Hillary Clinton-supporting bloggers.” MRC contends that during the 2008 primary election, Google exhibited bias by aligning itself with the more radical candidate, Barack Obama, over the relatively moderate Hillary Clinton.

One of the more recent examples cited by MRC is “Google’s Gemini refuses to answer questions damaging to Joe Biden.”

MRC concludes its report by questioning Google’s consistent bias favoring the left and suggests that Google’s responses to criticisms have been inadequate.

Google has refuted these allegations, calling them “baseless” and “inaccurate.” According to a Google spokesperson, many of the complaints have been debunked by third parties and failed in courts.

In response to the findings, MRC issued three recommendations:

  1. House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., should initiate investigations into Google by relevant committees and committee chairmen.
  2. State legislatures should confirm Google’s status as a common carrier and take measures, akin to those in Texas and Florida, to prevent Big Tech from engaging in viewpoint discrimination.
  3. Americans are encouraged to boycott Google products, particularly Google Search, and explore alternative options.

MRC concludes that Google’s significant influence on information technology and American elections became apparent in 2008. Despite its failure to prevent Donald Trump’s inauguration after the 2016 election, Google’s continued interference in U.S. elections remains a cause for concern.

Daily True News

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