YouGov Poll: Trump Outperforming GOP, Biden

In the latest YouGov/The Economist poll released on Wednesday, former President Donald Trump is emerging as a formidable force in the lead-up to the 2024 elections. Trump not only holds a commanding lead over former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley by a staggering 65 points on the generic congressional ballot but also edges out President Joe Biden by one percentage point.

The nationwide poll indicates that Trump leads Biden by 43% to 42%, underscoring his enduring popularity among Republican voters. In the Republican Party primary, Trump maintains a significant advantage over Haley, leading by a substantial margin of 79% to 14%.

Interestingly, Trump’s slight lead over Biden in this poll occurs despite the poll favoring Democrats (43%) over Republicans (41%) by a margin of two points on the generic congressional ballot.

The poll also reveals concerning numbers for Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, both of whom have favorability ratings in the negative by 10 points. Additionally, a significant majority of 67% of respondents believe that Hunter Biden profited from his father’s political office, while just 14% disagree with this assertion.

Other key findings from the poll include:

  • Half of the respondents (50%) believe that Joe Biden profited from his political status, with 28% expressing disagreement and 22% unsure.
  • A plurality of 35% view New York’s $364 million fraud ruling against Trump as too harsh.
  • Despite only 5% expressing sympathy towards Russia, respondents were 12 points more likely to believe that Russia is winning its war in Ukraine.

The YouGov/The Economist poll surveyed 1,562 U.S. adult citizens from February 18 to February 20. The margin of error for the poll results is 3.1 percentage points. These findings offer insights into the current political landscape and voter sentiments as the 2024 elections draw nearer.

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