Biden Pleasing Donors by Going Off White House Script at Fundraisers

President Joe Biden has predominantly relied on teleprompters and scripted speeches during his presidency, which contrasts sharply with his history of unscripted, sometimes undiplomatic remarks. However, in recent months, during fundraising events for his 2024 reelection campaign, the Democratic president has been more candid in his comments about the Chinese government, the Republican Party, and Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip.

These remarks may be just the beginning, as the 2024 campaign trail is expected to involve numerous fundraising events.

In June, Biden caused a stir when he referred to Chinese President Xi Jinping as a dictator during a fundraising event, drawing strong reactions from Beijing.

In December, during another fundraiser, Biden suggested that he might not have run for reelection if former President Donald Trump had not been a candidate as well. This statement raised concerns about Biden’s age and low approval ratings, as both candidates are in their 70s.

On December 12, Biden publicly expressed frustration with Israel’s “indiscriminate” bombing during a private discussion with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This marked a departure from his previous diplomatic tone and was the first time he had expressed such frustration since the October 7 Hamas attacks and Israel’s subsequent strikes on Gaza.

Biden’s candid remarks have occasionally caught his aides off guard, leading them to clarify or contradict his statements later. They often struggle to redirect the focus to the administration’s official message or explain the seeming discrepancies between Biden’s comments and U.S. government policy.

As Biden himself has acknowledged, his frankness can sometimes lead to challenges. “No one ever doubts I mean what I say,” Biden told donors last year. “The problem is I sometimes say all that I mean.”

Both the White House and Biden’s reelection campaign declined to comment on these recent remarks.

Biden’s use of the term “indiscriminate” in relation to Israel’s actions raised questions about the U.S. stance on the legality of Israel’s campaign, which has resulted in the deaths of over 21,800 people in Hamas-controlled Gaza, according to health authorities.

Journalists pressed White House and State Department officials for clarification on Biden’s statement and whether it represented the official U.S. government position. This became a significant issue as the Biden administration’s policy prohibits the transfer of arms to countries engaged in genocide, crimes against humanity, breaches of the Geneva Conventions, or serious violations of international law, including “indiscriminate attacks.”

Biden’s comments also prompted questions about the U.S.-Israel relationship. He mentioned that he told Netanyahu that his government needed to change and had previously stated that he disagreed with much of what Netanyahu had to say. When reporters were asked to leave the room during his remarks on this topic, it garnered even more attention.

Biden’s remarks, especially during fundraising events, can have a significant impact on the messaging consistency of his administration, particularly in matters of international diplomacy and foreign policy, according to experts. Maintaining consistency in messaging is crucial.

While public speeches by Biden are carefully crafted and vetted, spontaneous interactions with reporters are limited, and full news conferences are infrequent. Some observers suggest that events like fundraisers allow Biden to test-drive lines and ideas that he may later use in public speeches with a receptive audience.

Biden’s reelection campaign may benefit from his more assertive language, particularly when countering attacks from Republicans, as some donors have suggested. They believe that Biden should express his thoughts more forcefully to boost his approval ratings.

During fundraising events, Biden allows a limited number of reporters to attend, with certain restrictions on video, pictures, and audio usage. This approach is consistent with his 2020 campaign strategy, which aimed to limit the influence of big-money donors and ensure transparency.

In conclusion, President Biden’s recent candid remarks during fundraising events have generated attention and raised questions about his messaging consistency and diplomatic approach. His candidness has occasionally posed challenges for his aides, who must later clarify or reconcile his statements with official U.S. policy. Nonetheless, these fundraising events provide opportunities for Biden to connect with supporters and test potential talking points for his reelection campaign.

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