Byron Donalds: Schwerin Could Help Our Investigation

Rep. Byron Donalds, a Republican from Florida, shared his hopes that the testimony of Eric Schwerin, an associate of Hunter Biden, would assist House Republicans in concluding their investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings. Schwerin, a business associate of Hunter Biden, provided closed-door testimony to House Oversight Committee Republicans on Tuesday.

Donalds, speaking on “Newsline,” emphasized the significance of Schwerin’s knowledge regarding the purported corrupt activities surrounding Joe Biden. He suggested that Schwerin’s understanding of how money flowed, its sources, and Joe Biden’s level of involvement could shed light on key questions and help bring the investigation to a close.

The congressman reiterated the House Republicans’ responsibility to hold the Biden administration accountable, stating that they would proceed accordingly. He emphasized that if their investigation revealed that Joe Biden permitted his son to act as an unregistered foreign agent to profit from his political office, then accountability measures, including the possibility of impeachment, would be considered.

Regarding allegations against Rep. Cori Bush, a Democrat from Missouri, for alleged misuse of campaign funds on security services, Donalds expressed his desire for the safety of every member of Congress. However, he questioned the use of security funds, emphasizing that not all members, regardless of gender, have access to such resources.

Donalds pointed out that while Bush sought continuous protection, many fellow citizens were left without police protection, potentially vulnerable to criminal activities.

In conclusion, Donalds noted the contrast between the scrutiny faced by President Donald Trump and the mishandling of funds leading to a Department of Justice investigation of a Democratic official. He emphasized the need for consistent standards and accountability in such matters.

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