Democrat Dark Money Funds Latino Voter Turnout

A collaboration between TelevisaUnivision and nonpartisan organizations to register and mobilize Hispanic voters has raised concerns about its funding sources, with reports suggesting significant financial support from Democrat-aligned “dark money” groups totaling $26.8 million over the past decade, as per the Washington Examiner.

The initiative, named Vota Conmigo (Vote With Me), aims to offer comprehensive, nonpartisan, Spanish-language educational resources, drive voter engagement, and combat misinformation within the Hispanic community ahead of the upcoming election cycle.

However, according to the Washington Examiner’s investigation into financial disclosures filed with the IRS, the funding trail leads to prominent Democrat donors such as George Soros, Hansjorg Wyss, and Pierre Omidyar.

The Examiner highlighted pushback and legal challenges following President Joe Biden’s 2021 executive order, which directed nonprofit groups to promote civic engagement using technology, providing tax-exempt organizations with resources to register voters. Critics, like Stewart Whitson from the Foundation for Government Accountability, have labeled the order as a politically biased attempt to benefit the Left by targeting voters likely to support the current administration.

In response, Maria Areco, a spokeswoman for TelevisaUnivision, emphasized the nonpartisan nature of the campaign, emphasizing its goal to amplify voter turnout.

Tax documents reviewed by the Examiner indicate that the Open Society Foundations, backed by George Soros, have been significant contributors to groups associated with the TelevisaUnivision campaign. For instance, the OSF’s Foundation to Promote Open Society and Fund for Policy Reform have allocated a combined $3.8 million to the Hispanic Federation, one of the partners in the initiative. Additionally, other left-leaning organizations have reportedly channeled $6.9 million to the Hispanic Federation since 2018.

Scott Walter, president of the Capital Research Center, expressed skepticism about the Hispanic Federation’s claimed nonpartisanship, characterizing it as staffed by left-wing activists.

Republicans have raised concerns about the White House potentially misusing federal funds in connection with the 2021 executive order and encroaching on states’ authority over elections. Despite these allegations, the White House has not responded to requests for comment, according to the Examiner.

GOP Texas House candidate Mayra Flores criticized the supposed nonpartisan groups for their lack of outreach, suggesting they are primarily aligned with the Democratic Party’s interests.

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