Dick Morris: Trump Chips Big Chunks off Biden’s Voter Base

President Joe Biden stood firm against his “predecessor” in a contentious State of the Union address, while political strategist Dick Morris, suggested that the speech resembled a campaign pitch due to the significant erosion of Biden’s support base caused by former President Donald Trump.

Morris emphasized the need for Biden to shift his rhetoric by referring to Trump as his “successor” rather than his “predecessor.” He criticized Biden’s speech, describing its tone as divisive and missing the opportunity to unite the nation.

Highlighting Biden’s plummeting support in the upcoming 2024 presidential race, Morris noted that recent data indicated a concerning decline in key demographic groups crucial for Democratic support. He explained that rather than merely chipping away at undecided or marginally committed voters, Trump’s influence was causing substantial defections from Biden’s core support base.

Specifically, Morris pointed out that Biden was losing significant portions of the Black vote to Trump, as well as facing challenges among Hispanic and Gen Z voters. He characterized this trend as detrimental to the Democratic Party’s foundation.

According to Morris, Biden’s State of the Union address failed to address the growing support for Trump among these demographics, focusing instead on rallying his steadfast supporters. He argued that Biden’s reliance on portraying Trump as worse than himself was losing effectiveness, particularly as Trump’s appeal increased among certain voter groups.

Morris concluded by suggesting that the political landscape was shifting, with the potential for a substantial swing in support toward Trump, particularly among Black, Latino, and young voters, which could significantly impact the outcome of future elections.

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