Lara Trump: I Would ‘Restore Faith’ in RNC as Co-Chair

Lara Trump, former President Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law and an adviser for the 2020 campaign, spoke with Newsmax on Thursday about her potential role as the next Republican National Committee (RNC) co-chair, emphasizing her commitment to restoring trust in the organization.

During an interview at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Lara Trump expressed her unexpected consideration for the co-chair position, driven by her concern for the current state of the United States.

“This upcoming election is critical. It’s a must-win,” she asserted. “To achieve victory, we need competent leadership, a revitalized party, and transparency in our operations. Many individuals hesitate to donate to the RNC due to uncertainties surrounding the allocation of funds.”

Lara Trump stressed the importance of inclusivity and diversity of perspectives within the party, highlighting her willingness to embrace change.

“My father-in-law, President Trump, entrusted me with this responsibility. I am fully dedicated to advocating for him, our nation, and candidates aligned with America-first principles,” she affirmed.

If elected co-chair, Lara Trump vowed to prioritize rebuilding confidence in the RNC, emphasizing its indispensable role in presidential elections.

“We must be a formidable force in politics,” she insisted. “To achieve this, we must adopt strategies that rival those of the Democratic Party. We need to be proactive, strategic, and resourceful.”

She emphasized the need for Republicans to adapt their approach to political tactics, advocating for more assertive strategies such as ballot harvesting and rigorous voter registration efforts.

“We cannot afford to play catch-up on Election Day. Early voting is crucial,” Lara Trump emphasized. “We must mobilize our supporters to cast their ballots as soon as possible and encourage others to join them. This is how we will secure victory.”

In essence, Lara Trump’s vision for the RNC involves modernizing its operations, fostering inclusivity, and employing aggressive campaign tactics to ensure success in future elections.

Daily True News

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