Pope Calls for Studies Into ‘Ugly’ Gender Theory

Pope Francis issued a cautionary message on Friday regarding what he referred to as “gender theory,” denouncing it as a perilous ideology that undermines humanity. Speaking at a conference in the Vatican focused on the evolving roles of men and women within Christian teachings, the Pope expressed deep concerns about the implications of this ideology.

The Pontiff highlighted the threat posed by gender theory, which challenges traditional notions of gender and suggests that gender identity is not strictly confined to binary categories of male and female. He emphasized that this ideology seeks to blur the distinctions between sexes, eroding the fundamental differences that define human beings.

In his address, Pope Francis disclosed that he had commissioned studies to delve deeper into what he described as an “ugly ideology” prevalent in contemporary society. He stressed the importance of recognizing and preserving the uniqueness of each individual, warning that the erosion of these distinctions ultimately diminishes human dignity.

Despite battling a recent cold, the Pope felt compelled to address the issue directly, underscoring its significance in the current social and cultural landscape. He referenced a thought-provoking book titled “Lord of the World,” penned by a Catholic priest in 1907, which eerily foresaw the dangers of a world devoid of religious values and where differences among people are negated.

Encouraging his audience to explore the insights offered by this prophetic work, Pope Francis urged a critical examination of contemporary challenges, including those posed by gender theory. By initiating studies into this contentious subject, the Pope seeks to foster a deeper understanding of its implications and uphold the dignity of every human person.

In calling attention to the perils of gender theory, Pope Francis underscores the importance of preserving the innate differences that enrich human existence and affirm the dignity of all individuals.

Daily True News

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