Pope Confirms Cardinal Burke Punishment, Sparking Backlash

In a recent development, Pope Francis has disclosed to a blogger he works with that he plans to take disciplinary action against Cardinal Raymond Burke. This includes evicting him from his Vatican residence and terminating his financial benefits.

This decision by the Pope, which is a continuation of his critical stance towards traditionalists, has sparked controversy among various Catholic commentators and media circles that focus on the papacy.

Austen Ivereigh, who has written a biography on Pope Francis, revealed on X on Monday that the sanctions against Burke were a response to the American conservative’s misuse of his privileges in a manner detrimental to the Church.

During a confidential meeting with the heads of various dicasteries on November 20, the Pope communicated his decision. This meeting’s details were later leaked to the Italian newspaper, La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana. The newspaper also reported the Pope referring to Burke as “his enemy.”

However, Pope Francis clarified to Ivereigh in a subsequent note on Tuesday that he never used the terms ‘enemy’ or ‘my.’

As of Wednesday, an associate of Cardinal Burke informed that Burke had not yet received official notification regarding the Pope’s remarks about his salary and accommodation.

Burke expressed to The Wall Street Journal his intention to stay in Rome regardless of the situation, highlighting his obligation as a cardinal to remain in the city. He remarked on the peculiar nature of the Pope’s disclosure to Ivereigh instead of directly to him.

Cardinal Burke, like other cardinals stationed in Rome, enjoys a rent-free apartment and a monthly allowance of $5,500.

Supporters of Francis view his action against Burke as a justified response to Burke’s longstanding criticisms of the Pope.

Pope Francis has consistently expressed his willingness to engage in dialogue with dissenters within the Church. However, he has also taken stringent measures against traditionalists who have openly criticized him.

For instance, in 2022, Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, a prominent figure in the pro-life movement, was laicized by the Pope. Earlier this month, Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas was removed from his diocese by Francis. Strickland had been a vocal critic of the Pope’s stance on various issues, including the blessings of gay civil unions and the continuation of the Latin Mass in his diocese, which the Pope had prohibited.

Burke and other conservative figures have been openly critical of Francis, voicing concerns that his statements and actions, particularly regarding gay couples, Communion for divorced and remarried individuals, and the concept of “synodality,” have created confusion among Catholics.

Some interpret the Pope’s move against Burke as indicative of his reputed vindictiveness. Raymond Arroyo, a prominent figure at the Catholic cable network EWTN, expressed his initial disbelief at the news, referring to it as a new level of papal vindictiveness.

Michael Matt, the editor of the traditionalist Catholic newspaper The Remnant, harshly criticized the Pope, accusing him of trying to dismantle the Church and alienate practicing Catholics while seeking approval from marginal groups.

Despite being 86 and experiencing health issues, Pope Francis has consistently adopted stances that are often in contrast with traditional Church teachings. His appointment of Mariana Mazzucato, a pro-abortion economist, to the Pontifical Academy for Life last year, was a move that surprised many, including some of his supporters.

Vatican insiders speculate that Francis’s intensified actions against traditionalists are part of his effort to bring about significant changes in the Church’s moral teachings through his “Synod of Synodality,” expected to conclude next year.

Daily True News

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