RFK Jr’s Campaign Priority Shocks Boomers

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is gaining significant traction in his 2024 presidential campaign, particularly among independent and young voters. Kennedy revealed his strategy to expand his support base to include more baby boomers, as he seeks to broaden his appeal across all age demographics.

According to Kennedy, recent polls, including the Harvard/Harris, The New York Times/Siena, and Quinnipiac polls, have shown him performing well among Americans under 45 years of age. Additionally, he has garnered support among independents, a crucial demographic that often predicts electoral outcomes. Kennedy emphasized the significance of his popularity among these groups as they tend to receive information from alternative news sources rather than traditional network news.

However, Kennedy acknowledged that his appeal among older individuals, particularly baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964, has room for improvement. He believes that when baby boomers have the opportunity to hear him speak directly, they are more likely to be receptive to his message. Kennedy’s campaign strategy for the next 10 months will focus on reaching and engaging with this demographic more effectively.

Kennedy attributed his success among independents and younger voters to their diverse sources of information, which often include long-form interviews, podcasts, and non-mainstream media outlets. He suggested that these platforms are less influenced by government orthodoxies and propaganda, making them more appealing to individuals seeking alternative perspectives.

Another factor contributing to Kennedy’s appeal is his emphasis on finding solutions to revive the American middle class and increase homeownership among young Americans. He stressed the importance of young people owning homes, as it fosters a sense of community involvement and provides access to the American capitalist system through homeowners’ equity.

Kennedy’s campaign is poised to continue targeting key demographics while working to bridge the gap with older generations who have different media consumption habits.

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