Speaker Johnson Hits Biden’s Border ‘Election-Year Gimmicks’

House Speaker Mike Johnson, representing Louisiana’s 4th congressional district, strongly criticized President Joe Biden for what he described as a blatant attempt to mislead the public regarding his authority to address the ongoing crisis at the southern border. Johnson dismissed Biden’s recent considerations as mere “election-year gimmicks,” emphasizing that the American people have lost trust in the President’s handling of the situation.

In a statement released on Thursday, Johnson reacted to reports from Wednesday suggesting that Biden is contemplating executive action to address the influx of migrants by implementing changes to asylum standards and tightening entry points. This move comes after Biden repeatedly claimed he needed congressional authorization to utilize executive powers, despite Johnson’s previous assertions that Biden already possessed the necessary authority.

Johnson expressed skepticism towards Biden’s sudden interest in taking action, particularly in light of the President’s prior reluctance to utilize his executive powers to address the border crisis. He emphasized that the American public will not be swayed by last-minute attempts to appear proactive, especially considering Biden’s role in exacerbating the situation.

Reports indicate that Biden is considering utilizing authority under Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which would allow him to enact restrictions on the entry of certain classes of aliens. This revelation comes weeks after Biden implored Congress to grant him additional powers, a plea that Johnson contested, highlighting the existence of multiple options available to Biden for immediate action.

Johnson reiterated Biden’s past dishonesty regarding his efforts to secure the border, particularly regarding the President’s dismissal of invoking Section 212(f) until now. He called on Biden to demonstrate genuine commitment to addressing the crisis by implementing comprehensive reforms, such as reinstating the “Remain in Mexico” policy and ending the administration’s misuse of the parole system.

In conclusion, Johnson’s statement underscores the skepticism surrounding Biden’s newfound interest in addressing the border crisis and emphasizes the need for tangible action rather than political posturing.

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