Trump, Cruz Lead Texas Poll

During a rally in Freeland, Michigan, President Joe Biden addressed pro-life conservatives and the intricacies of the abortion debate, highlighting the delicate balance between personal convictions and electoral considerations.

Emphasizing the importance of winning elections, President Trump acknowledged the necessity of aligning personal beliefs with broader political strategies. He commended the historic conservative majority in the Supreme Court, which led to the reversal of the Roe v. Wade decision, returning the regulation of abortion to the states.

Trump criticized Democrats for exploiting abortion as a political tool, arguing that their stance on the issue contradicts the views of the American majority. He emphasized the need to remove abortion from federal jurisdiction and empower states to make their own decisions, citing the original intent behind Roe v. Wade.

While acknowledging the complexity of the abortion issue, Trump reiterated his commitment to protecting innocent life and restricting late-term abortions. He criticized Democrats for advocating what he described as “radical” policies, including late-term and post-birth abortions.

Trump praised the courage of conservative Supreme Court justices and emphasized the importance of having a conservative administration to uphold constitutional rights, including the Second Amendment and free speech. He also reiterated his commitment to election integrity, advocating for paper ballots, proof of citizenship, and voter ID laws.

In conclusion, Trump urged Republicans to prioritize winning elections to safeguard conservative values and ensure the integrity of the electoral process. He emphasized the need for a landslide victory to prevent election fraud and preserve the democratic process.

Daily True News

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